When Tragedy Happens
When tragedy strikes, we are never prepared. No amount of emergency planning really prepares us for the panic, anguish, and worry that are happening to us. We like to hope that should something happen, that we can depend on help and that life will go on around us, waiting for us to rejoin our regular world. For those of us in North America, it is hard to fathom the desperation being faced in Nepal now, following the massive earthquake and aftershocks in the past few days. Death, injuries, loss of shelter and everything you owned ... these things are devastating. But this is made so much worse when it is almost impossible to count on rescue efforts being in time to save those who are left. With roads destroyed, no power, and overwhelmed emergency services, the terror must be overwhelming, beyond anything one could imagine. http://www.gofundme.com/t4r2vg tells the story of a family in a small village near Kathmandu. This fami...