
Showing posts from August, 2017

Easy Sew Kimono Shawl Cover-Ups

What do you wear in the summer when the air conditioning in stores and restaurants is just too much, but outside the heat is sweltering? I like to carry a lightweight sweater or shawl when I go out.  Often leaving the house involves a last-minute decision on what I can take that will offer a little protection from the icy breeze while light enough to carry while outside .... and also that goes with whatever outfit I am wearing.   My sister has been busy this summer making lightweight kimono cover-ups from lightweight fabric and large scarves.  I like to think of them as shawls with sleeves.  Easier to wear than a shawl because you don't need to knot it or hold it in place.  Lightweight enough to carry inside your purse.  Quick and easy to sew.  Perfect at a bbq or at the beach, when you want to keep the sun off your shoulders and prevent sunburn. She has made these kimono-like shawls for almost every cousin and aunt in our family.  A recent family event saw her car