
Showing posts from November, 2015
Housewives, Housekeeping, Homemaking, and Fall Cleaning A week ago I had a burst of enthusiasm and energy which I promptly utilized to begin some fall cleaning   Yes, fall has been here for some time but I didn't have the energy to tackle the cleaning.  I took full advantage of the day, and have been enjoying the results of my work ever since. We are retired, and that means there is lots of time to clean.  It also means there is an easy excuse to say, "I'll do it tomorrow".  Our main visitors are family, as we don't entertain a lot like we did when we were younger.  Retirement means a very relaxed lifestyle, pursing interests and hobbies and volunteer work, all which bring clutter into my life.  All this added up to a real need to do some cleaning and organizing. So when time, energy and enthusiasm collide, where does one begin a much-needed bout of cleaning and freshening the home?  I decided to start with our bedroom.  Why?  It is the...