Re-thinking Blogging
A few weeks have passed since I last posted anything on this blog. At the time, I was perplexed at being unable to rotate photos that I was trying to post. No one was able to offer any advice on how to correct this issue. I have spent hours googling the problem, and discovered it's related to Google switching from Picassa albums to Google ones ... yes, that is an over-simplification. But it reassured me to know that things really had changed out there in cyber-space. I had previously been able to use Picassa to rotate photos after posting to my blog, and all ended up looking just fine. Now, it has changed. I cannot seem to get my blog photos on Picassa to show up on my Google photos. That means I can't correct and edit the photos on my last post. For someone who doesn't like to leave things without fixing the problems, this has taken way too much of my time and no "fix" is in sight. I am wondering if it would just be easier to ...