
Showing posts from October, 2014

Made In Canada Etsy Pop-Up Market Day

As soon as I saw the announcement that Etsy was going to have a Etsy-Made in Canada Day, I knew I was going to participate.  Never mind that my city wasn't one of the market sites.  Never mind that I had to apply and be approved as a vendor.  I knew I would be there.  As luck and, possibly, my ability to see the future would have it, indeed I did participate in the market day. The market event itself was great.  A number of vendors commented that it was the best craft sale they had attended.  Erin, the Saskatchewan team leader who organized the event, did a fantastic job.  She had family members help, including her brother who chalked side-walks for blocks around the venue to encourage foot traffic to attend.  There was an origami table to entertain children of all ages, a super assortment of handmade products, and lots and lots of customers.  Erin did a lot of media work to publicize the event --social media, newspaper, and tv -- and i...