Made In Canada Etsy Pop-Up Market Day

As soon as I saw the announcement that Etsy was going to have a Etsy-Made in Canada Day, I knew I was going to participate.  Never mind that my city wasn't one of the market sites.  Never mind that I had to apply and be approved as a vendor.  I knew I would be there.  As luck and, possibly, my ability to see the future would have it, indeed I did participate in the market day.

The market event itself was great.  A number of vendors commented that it was the best craft sale they had attended.  Erin, the Saskatchewan team leader who organized the event, did a fantastic job.  She had family members help, including her brother who chalked side-walks for blocks around the venue to encourage foot traffic to attend.  There was an origami table to entertain children of all ages, a super assortment of handmade products, and lots and lots of customers.  Erin did a lot of media work to publicize the event --social media, newspaper, and tv -- and it paid off handsomely.

On the cutting board.
Trimming and pinning the bags
In the days leading up the event, I worked to create inventory for the sale.  I made a couple of new rugs, both to sell and to use as samples for anyone interested in custom orders.  But mostly I worked on my newest passion: wallets and coin purses made from upcycled plastic bags.  The greatest amount of time was spent cutting up the plastic bags and fusing them together, then cutting out the shapes.  We were having wonderful summer-like weather in late September, so I set up my ironing board outside so I could enjoy some time outside while I worked.  By the time I got the plastic to my sewing machine, the most time-consuming part of the work had been done.

Cutting out the pieces for a wallet.
A couple of family members (they know who they are!) volunteered to help me prepare, and they stitched up some of the coin purses and attached snaps.  I thank them to helping me to focus on the process and their suggestions to help speed up the process.  You would think I would have made a template or two after cutting out the first dozen wallets but, striving for one-of-a-kind uniqueness, I was hand-cutting each wallet slightly differently.  I will have to take the suggestions to heart though, because these wallets were really popular, and I need to create a lot more of them.

Love the cutting board & rotary cutter.
Sales were quite good, and I was thrilled at the number of customers who took time to look at my slideshow of the wallet-making process.  Environmentally friendly products are popular!  I call the style "eco chic".

I only had listed a couple of prototype fused plastic items for sale prior to the market day, but I've been busy this week with photographing and posting more this week.  I heard of several more craft sales in the same city as last week's market, but I have not yet committed to attending.  I have my fingers crossed that Etsy has another Made in Canada event next year.

Thanks, Etsy.  Great idea.  Great market day.


  1. Your wallets are really neat! I love the patterns and colors!


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