What Will She Wear .... What Will I Sew?
The stores have all their spring and summer stock in place by now, and some of it is adorable. But it's also pricey. I admire all the pretty things, especially the little girl dresses, and sigh when I see the price tags. But at least it inspires me to go home and check my ever-growing stash of pattern and fabric. I "acquire" fabric and patterns at yard sales and thrift shops. I love sewing, and use up quite a bit of my purchases when I get my sewing machine set up. But I also sell lots of adorable pattern in my Etsy shop. It didn't start out that way. My intention, when I set up the shop, was to sew tote bags and crochet floor rugs and sell them online. I still do some of that, but somehow I have evolved into focusing on patterns. I love the hunt for new patterns, and I love sharing them. I enjoy the listing process, including googling to find the right terms to describe collars and trims and styles in general. ...