Dieting means I Will Need New Clothes
The days are getting colder and shorter where I live, serving as a daily reminder that winter is coming very soon. And every year I hope for just a few more nice days as I put off doing some of the fall gardening and yardwork that is calling to me. Part of my procrastination is due to the projects that beckon indoors. I've never been a real "outdoorsy" person, although I do love my garden plus camping and campfires. But the sewing and crocheting and baking and reading ... ah, that's what I am more apt to be doing, even as the thought of winter's cold days should inspire me to spend more time outside now. A check-up with my doctor, that indicated cholesterol levels were becoming a problem, convinced me to see if I could bring down those levels with a vastly improved diet. My thinking is that if a really strict healthy diet doesn't decrease the cholesterol levels, then I will need to take medication. But if I can avoid any extra meds, that is my prefere...