Attention Deficit Distractedness and Multi-tasking is How I Function Best
I am the first to admit that I have some form of attention deficit. I am easily distracted. I know I will finish this post today, but right now I need to throw in a load of laundry and my dog wants to be let outside .... And then I saw someone had left dishes on the counter so I loaded the dishwasher .... And finally, I am back at my computer. That is how I function. And in a world that praises multi-tasking while also saying to focus and complete your task, I struggle with my preferred working style. The fact is that my "preferred working style" is to have the house to myself, preferably for a weekend. If my husband decides to go out to the cabin and fish for a couple of days, I am actually excited about having the house to myself and getting some projects started .... and a few finished. My work-style of working on several tasks simultaneously resonates with my cousins and sister, so it is at the very least a family trait ...