
Showing posts from 2018

Smoothie & A Clean Fridge

Cleaning was number one on my to-do list today.  I promised myself I would tackle a long list of things I had procrastinated to do during May.  I was going to have the house to myself for several hours and that is perfect for me when I want to get things done! The first thing I tackled was cleaning the fridge.  It doesn't instantly brighten up the kitchen because, let's face it, you don't notice anything unless you (a) actually open the fridge, and (b) you knew what it looked like previously. Nonetheless, emptying out all the refrigerator shelves and bins meant filling the kitchen counters with oddments of spices, leftovers, relishes, and so on; also, the kitchen sink had to host each of the shelves I took out and washed.  Yes!  This was a total full-on cleanup; I stripped out the entire contents and shelves, and cleaned everything! I quickly realized there was an abundance of almost empty containers which would make an excellent smoothie.  I ...

Attention Deficit Distractedness and Multi-tasking is How I Function Best

I am the first to admit that I have some form of attention deficit.  I am easily distracted.  I know I will finish this post today, but right now I need to throw in a load of laundry and my dog wants to be let outside ....  And then I saw someone had left dishes on the counter so I loaded the dishwasher .... And finally, I am back at my computer.  That is how I function.  And in a world that praises multi-tasking while also saying to focus and complete your task, I struggle with my preferred working style.   The fact is that my "preferred working style" is to have the house to myself, preferably for a weekend.  If my husband decides to go out to the cabin and fish for a couple of days, I am actually excited about having the house to myself and getting some projects started .... and a few finished.  My work-style of working on several tasks simultaneously resonates with my cousins and sister, so it is at the very least a family trait ...

The Journey Continues

With this post, I have officially re-named my blog, after much thinking and indecision. I thought I should make some comments about this "re-branding" and the direction I want to take. Coincidentally, I celebrated my birthday recently. I am retired and have the freedom to do what I want on my birthday.  The best way to celebrate that I could think of was to invite my two grandchildren over for the afternoon and evening.  One of them even decided to sleep over with us.  Their parents were able to have the evening to themselves and go out for supper.  Not that I didn't want to see the parents, but this worked out well for everyone, and we enjoyed focussing on the children. Birthdays are the sign-posts on our life's journey.  As they add up, we are thankful to still be here and more aware of the blessings in our lives.  But while we can look ahead to the next one, the choice of which roads to take in the coming year are our decision. I am trying ...