Smoothie & A Clean Fridge

Cleaning was number one on my to-do list today.  I promised myself I would tackle a long list of things I had procrastinated to do during May.  I was going to have the house to myself for several hours and that is perfect for me when I want to get things done!

The first thing I tackled was cleaning the fridge.  It doesn't instantly brighten up the kitchen because, let's face it, you don't notice anything unless you (a) actually open the fridge, and (b) you knew what it looked like previously.

Nonetheless, emptying out all the refrigerator shelves and bins meant filling the kitchen counters with oddments of spices, leftovers, relishes, and so on; also, the kitchen sink had to host each of the shelves I took out and washed.  Yes!  This was a total full-on cleanup; I stripped out the entire contents and shelves, and cleaned everything!

I quickly realized there was an abundance of almost empty containers which would make an excellent smoothie.  I had cashew milk, yogurt, watermelon, strawberries, and a couple of bananas that I set on the counter, with the promise that once I had everything back in my clean fridge, I would make a smoothie and use up those odds and ends.  It kept me on track, knowing I had a reward waiting for me.  I am recommending this strategy for anyone doing kitchen housekeeping.  A refreshing and nutritious reward at the end really helps.  Especially since no one is apt to come along and say, "wow, clean fridge".

Next I succumbed to my obsessiveness and lined up bottles and packages very neatly on each shelf.  My strategy is to put like things with like ... in other words, all the bottles of ketchup or pickles are lined up together, not just the currently open one in front and the new stock in the back.  Or, as it looks after my husband shops & unpacks groceries, all the new stuff is in front with the open bottles hidden behind.  I think it's usual to be able to open the fridge door and note, "oh, there are 4 bottles of ketchup so I guess I don't need to buy more.` At least I hope it helps; my husband loves grocery shopping...

 I sorted the fruit and veggie bins so that they were separate.  I hate discovering a bunch of garlic sitting on top of the apples!  I decided to keep the cheese in with the fruit.  And finally, I put labels on the outside of the bins to assist anyone who decides to help with clean-up.

Before making that smoothie, I also tackled the freezer compartment.  This is my husband's hiding spot for treats.  I found several small packs of ice cream, Popsicles, and similar treats.  I organized them into an old Tupperware celery keeper; the long narrow shape worked perfectly.  Next I took things out of the plastic grocery bags that are the tell-tale sign my husband has stashed half-open containers of hamburgers, veggies or whatever in their original packaging and then into a grocery bag.  The problem is that it's impossible to see at a glance what is in the freezer.  I replaced all of those with clear zip-up bags.

And voila!  My fridge was clean.  It sounds like less work than it was.  Did I mention there was spilled juice and syrup inside the fridge that I had to scrub?  

And I made my smoothie.  It was great.  I enjoyed it as I sat here creating this post.  And I just remembered that I didn't clean and organize the inside door of the fridge.  Nor did I wash off the top of it.  So, it's back to work.

And I will enjoy a second smoothie this evening; I made a pitcher full while I was at it!

How do you reward yourself?


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