An Etsy Adventure
Yesterday I spent several hours setting up an Etsy shop. It really is exciting to see the shop go "live" with my handmade items listed for sale. I am thrilled, and probably would be calling everyone I know to announce my shop, except for one thing ..... I registered with Etsy in January 2012. That would be, oh, 14 months ago. When you look at the details for my shop, it says it opened last year. Unfortunately it sat waiting all that time with no items listed. It's kind of a downer to see that statistic because I wish I'd struggled through the minutiae of details involved a long time ago. I'm not going to let that interfere too much with my excitement though; I need to spend time working on the shop, not regretting my procrastination.
Of course, maybe the time just wasn't right back then. What did I do in the past year? First, there was family life. A first grandchild, a son moving to Europe, visiting relatives in the summer ... Indeed, there were many hours spent with a crochet hook or sorting fabrics and organizing my work space.
Finally, enough was enough. I couldn't put off the launch any longer. I simply had to come to terms with knowing that my initial shop site was not going to be perfect, and I really didn't need to read a thousand articles on how-to-etsy before jumping in. Fine-tuning can come later.
And so the time has come; the time is now. Forward!
Check out my shop - a work in progress!!
Check out my shop - a work in progress!!
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