Looking for a Theme for 2017

The end of the year is fast approaching, and I am looking for a theme for my 2017 New Year's resolutions. .... something short that I can repeat to myself when I am tempted to disregard those resolutions.  I want a new mantra or slogan that will make me feel sort of like I have rebranded myself for the new year.

Advertising slogans are good examples of the sort of thing I am looking for.  "Just Do It" has been the catch phrase for Nike for years, and those three little words can inspire action whenever they are reflected upon.  Others that I like are "Think Different" from Apple and L'Oreal's "You're worth it".  

Once I choose a slogan, I think I'll fit a few resolutions around it.  Not too many resolutions are neede, as I have lots of unfulfilled ones from past years to work on, but while I review those, I'm sure I can come up with a few new projects and goals for 2017.

And of course I need to tie up a few loose ends before January 1 -- just the usual stuff of cleaning up the house to start the new year in some semblence of order, get the bills paid up to date, and perhaps even to mail out my New Year's cars.  In case you aren't familiar with New Year's cards, let me tell you that they are one of my methods to reduce stress at Christmas time by sending out a Christmas card along with a few photos and short newsy letter AFTER December 27.  I don't apologize for sendng out cards late anymore; it is intentional!

Just do it.  Tomorrow is another day.  Everything begins with the first step.  Baby steps.  Believe.  Believe in yourself.  New year, new heart.  I think I can, I think I can.  I believe I can ... all of these mini slogans are perculating in my head. 

Suggestions for a year's theme are most welcome.  What is your theme and slogan for 2017?

As for the resolutions themselves, I worry they won't look too different than last year's and this makes me feel like I failed in lots of areas.  I think I'll compose a list of achievements to encourage myself as I write out next year's goals.  How does everyone else deal with this issue of not achieving all of your resolutions? 

I love to read comments.  It helps me feel like I'm not writing in a vaccuum.  I'd love to hear from you!


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