Looking for a Theme for 2017
The end of the year is fast approaching, and I am looking for a theme for my 2017 New Year's resolutions. .... something short that I can repeat to myself when I am tempted to disregard those resolutions. I want a new mantra or slogan that will make me feel sort of like I have rebranded myself for the new year. Advertising slogans are good examples of the sort of thing I am looking for. "Just Do It" has been the catch phrase for Nike for years, and those three little words can inspire action whenever they are reflected upon. Others that I like are "Think Different" from Apple and L'Oreal's "You're worth it". Once I choose a slogan, I think I'll fit a few resolutions around it. Not too many resolutions are neede, as I have lots of unfulfilled ones from past years to work on, but while I review those, I'm sure I can come up with a few new projects and goals for 2017. And of course I need to tie up a few loose ends before J...