How Do I Edit Blog Photos

Sewing with Vintage Patterns

My sister and I went thrifting today.  We both have booked winter vacations and wanted a few new-to-us items to round out our holiday wardrobes.  Since it's the middle of winter, and since we live in a cold climate, the retail stores haven't got very much summer stock out right now.  That is, the retail stores that sell brand new clothing.  There's always a good assortment of all-season wardrobe items in the thrift stores.

I found so many great tops to try on but, as I expected, I only liked about a third of them once I tried them on.  Nonetheless I managed to get 7 nice tops for about $35.  Had my favourite thrift store been open today, I'm sure I would have paid less, but I'm really happy with the items I purchased so it's all good.

I really should take some photos of what I bought but right now they are all in the wash.  I am pretty careful with the clothes I own, washing many items by hand, but for their introduction to my home, I know they need a thorough washing and drying in the machine.  I try to buy things that will be okay if they shrink a little bit.  Normally I hang clothes to dry whenever possible -- outside in the summer -- but new-to-me thrifted clothing merits a good hot spin in the dryer.  I've never experienced any problems with my purchases, other than a cute sweater set that wouldn't let go of the previous owner's perfume scent, and I hope my good luck continues ... well good luck plus careful cleaning!

The other thing I bought while thrifting was some sewing patterns.  I found some lovely 1970s and 80s ones that bring back lots of memories from "back in the day".  So many of them are back in style.  I've been working to get them photographed and listed, so I'll share a few of my recent finds.

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But here's the thing ... I have edited photos for this blog before.  I have rotated photos that loaded on their side, or more specifically they showed up in landscape view when that was not what I intended!  I have spent an hour googling how to rotate them, but nothing works.  More frustratingly, I KNOW I have figured this out in the past.

This was not how I intended to end this post, but my inability to edit these photos has created a different ending than I intended.  Life is like that sometimes.

My new ending is this -- a request for help from any of you that can tell me how to rotate these photos and make this post look better.  Where do I find the editing tool?  I have tried to use Picassa but that didn't help.  I tried to use Google Plus ut the photos weren't showing up there.  WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?

Your advice is much appreciated.  Thanks, everyone!


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