Isaiah 40:31

Today, on millions of computers in many, many countries and homes, people are sending out New Year's Day greetings to family and friends.  And here in the world of blogs, many of us are taking a few moments out of the first day of 2017 to send greetings to their readers as well.  There is a certain comfort in having this commonality and knowing that we share so many dreams for happiness mixed with goals and new projects for the coming months.

Happy New Year to you all.

My resolutions this year are not written out.  At this stage in my life, I know by heart the things that I wish for and the projects I need to work on.  I know the goals and where I have fallen short before.  I know that good health, family, and friends is more important than the pursuit of monetary goals.  I know that I have a strong faith in God and that I believe He provides the nudges, reminders, and opportunities I need when I am ready for them.  Sometimes i fall short in recognizing and accepting them.

I looked for a phrase or motto to adopt as my mantra for 2017.  The short and simple "Believe" or "I believe" was a close runner-up, but in the end I chose a longer phrase to meditate on.  It is the words from Isaiah 40:31 in the KJV. 

These are words that will forever remind me of a card my cousin send to my mother while she was in hospital before her death.  They inspired me during those very dark days, and I asked my cousin to read these words at the funeral service.  Yes, this passage will always bring back some very sad memories but they also bring hope and encouragement to keep the faith and expect renewed strength.  Ultimately, that is my resolution:  to trust in the Lord and to expect the renewed strength will see me through the trials that I know will surely come.  With God's help, we will make it through them.

I hope for continued good health for those I love and for myself.  I hope for happiness, time with family and friends, for energy and a sense of purpose in all I do including a renewed interest in organizing my household, and time with with hobbies including travel and camping -- for new journeys and new adventures.  I pray for peace in the world, to an end of war and the horrors it brings.  I pray for those injured, killed, tortured, and displaced by war and the evil intentions of those in power.  I pray for all that suffer from illness or circumstance, and hope for them to heal and become strong.

The year is young and filled with both hope and despair.  Many of us fear the worse but pray for positive outcomes to the pressures we all face.  The angels said "be of good hope" and we must try to do that.  A positive outlook will help to attract positive outcomes.  "Be of good courage" as we face the future together.

All the best to you and yours for 2017.

And in conclusion, here is a link to my favorite reading -- my mantra for this year -- which will let you ponder the words as written in several different Bible translations.   Isaiah40:31


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